Friday, February 20, 2009

Red boots

Mom took both of us to get new shoes for church. Yes, you got the red boots and at the time I thought, well you did it again and I don't understand why.
It's things like this that confuse me when you clain "middle child syndrome". lol


  1. It was a matter of being little and cute and knowing how to work it. You were little and cute also, but you did't know how to work it as well--something to do with the little finger! lol I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen. So funny!

  2. I listened but it didn't work for me. I remember one day you were explaining to me how to wrap dad around my little finger. There was a problem, though. Dad overheard you and wowee did you get in trouble. I was a teenager at the time and he had told me I couldn't go somewhere.

  3. sounds like mom might have been the exception to the "middle child" syndrome. She had formed this personality before little sis really came along.

  4. The little finger theory did work well up until that time when we were teens. That is a lot of finger wrapping!!!lol
