Friday, February 20, 2009

Blackberry and me

Well it's like phone started doing things on its own. It would ring differently than I had it set for, it would notify me that I had missed a call the day before, etc. Considering I don't have a land line, this was totally unacceptable. So I went to get a new phone and as it turned out the cheapest thing in the Alltel store was a Blackberry ($19.99). So okay, what's the big deal...I can just use the phone and forget the rest if I'm confused about the whole thing. Right? Then the salesman asked me if I use the internet, I affirmed and he asked me if I wanted him to set that up for me. Wow I thought, I can keep track of emails when I'm away from home. Yep, I had him set it up. He asked me if I wanted the contraption to notify me when a new email came in and I said sure. After last night I changed my mind on that one. In 1 hour it woke me up three times so I had to figure out how to get it to stop (yes, I know I should have stuck with my original plan to just use it as a phone). I do like the capability but it just doesn't need to notify me all night.
However there are a number of things on it that tweek my curiosity. Thankfully, I read Danny's blog where he was talking Facebook. Thank you, Danny! I'm leaving that icon alone along with GPS Navigator, Pocket Express, Google talk, and a few others.
There's nothing like being an elder person afraid of her own phone! I'm sharing this so you all can get a glimpse of how my life throws me lemons at times. lol

Red boots

Mom took both of us to get new shoes for church. Yes, you got the red boots and at the time I thought, well you did it again and I don't understand why.
It's things like this that confuse me when you clain "middle child syndrome". lol

Say duck

I don't have a lot to say about this one. Other than...are any of you getting a good picture of how my little sister was as a child??? It was a constant battle for mom and dad to just think a little ahead of Jackie and it was still baffling to them. Mom always tried to not let sis get the upper hand, which to mom, was saying DUCK. Believe me, mom only said duck because her hands were full!

Making it feel better

That may have been the first time you rubbed your hiney after a spanking but it wasn't the last. They soon learned that spankings worked for you.That's the reason they had to try to find an alternative punishment. They finally figured out that what bothered you the most was not being able to go outside. They would make you sit in a chair and this really got to you. You were such a "outside" child and often you would beg them to spank you so you could go back out. I enjoyed this because 9 out 10 times you were in trouble for pestering or doing something to me. If you were inside on a chair I was free to do my own thing without pesty little sister.
To all readers, you need to realize that her picking on me back then was more constant than normal, it seemed to be her reason for living although then I couldn't have said it this way. lol

The garden and Mickey

All the story of the garden is correct. Yes, we enjoyed so much sitting between the rows eating tomatoes with our salt shaker.

Dad and Uncle Elmer owned the gas station. I was often allowed to walk up to the station and Mickey always went with me. We had to cross the highway but back then that was no big deal.
Mom was in labor with Michelle and dad left to take mom to the hospital and Mickey followed them up the road to the highway but then couldn't keep up with the car naturally. Some drunks in a car or truck swerved clear over to the opposite shoulder to hit Mickey. This was seen by some of our small community. Yes, I was very sad and, being a child, I blamed Michelle. I would have nothing to do with her for the first three weeks after she was home. But mom was smart, she just let it take it's course and one day she asked me if I would please help her by giving Michelle her bottle. I did and I learned that my baby sister was okay and I frequently held her after that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The chickens

Well, I first have to say that I don't remember you being there. Are you sure that you didn't just hear the story so much that you think you were there? You had to be very small if you were there. Anyway... Uncle Elmer, Aunt Gertie, mom, and dad (and I was sitting on dad's lap in the front). Uncle Elmer drove to their friend's farm and stole 4 chickens. Aunt Gertie had one in each hand (holding the chickens by their feet) and mom had the same. The friend stopped them and started to reach in the back for the chickens and mom told him (laughingly) that she would slap his face if he touched her legs. You see both of the women had the chickens covered with their full-skirted dresses.

Sis, you have the rest of the story correct, yes the folks dressed them and later the neighbor took them back.

A note to all readers....last night dad called me and asked me to come visit with him. I told him I had been thinking about my childhood and especially when they stole their friend's chickens. I told it like I remember it and asked him if I remembered it correctly and he said " oh yes" with a big smile on his face.

The spittoon and the kick in the butt

The spittoon was in the bank...I thought it was quite nice of them to provide a potty for me.

The kick in the butt was in the post office.....and I thought it was funny that she nudged you with her foot for pestering me. You didn't get it near enough times and you know this is true. lol
Your blog "About Me" is quite were quite a pest and loved picking on me. I often got in trouble for retalliating to your pestiness and that didn't seem quite fair.

I have to declare that even now you seem to enjoy picking on me but at least, as an adult, I can just laugh at you.

I want all of our readers to know that we three sisters are very close and have been for all of our years. Heaven help anyone that upsets or hurts any of us because that will mean that two of us are going to be angry and we definitely stand up for each other.

Outdoor plumbing

Yes, the outhouse was terrible but remember what we had to use for toidy paper?....catalogs...and they worked well until companies started coming up with slick, colored pictures. Inside, at night or when we were sick, we had a bucket (forget the potty chair).

Yes, we had a hand pump for water in the kitchen and then it was heated to prepare our bath water. There was also a outside pump which we had to fill buckets to water the garden.

Yes, it was hard back then but it has a lot of favorite memories for me!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This one cracked me up because you forgot a part that if you remembered you would have enjoyed telling. It's very true that I considered that cool spot under "my" lilac bush mine and only mine. And at times yes I wanted to be under there alone but you would whine and whine so I came up with a way for you to prove to me how badly you wanted in. I would tell you "I'll let you in if you will take a bite of mudpie". Now in my defense I never let you swallow any of it and my plan worked real well until one day the pie hadn't baked long enough and you had some mud around your mouth and mom saw it. But yes, sis, we had some great times under that lilac bush.

Tricky little sister again!!!! I love you!!!

Well you did it didn't take me long to realize after reading your blogs that there isn't enough room in the comments section for me to comment on your recollections. I never ever thought I would create a blog of my own but you've forced it, you little stinker. lol