Friday, April 10, 2009

Death of the Blackberry

As you remember my earlier blog I had decided to just use the sucker as a telephone and forget all that other stuff. Well, guess what, while I was in Texas it kept dropping calls, wouldn't ring, couldn't access the contact feature, etc. Even Stacy could not get it to work properly. So when I got home I went directly to altell to get a different phone (one preferably that would work). Well the time had expired meaning that they couldn't return it. I knew this but I needed a phone that would work.
The young man asked me what he could do for me. I told him I hate this phone and it doesn't work properly. He took it and fooled with it and told me it was working properly and they couldn't return it. I told him that it doesn't work right for me and I hate it. He again told me they couldn't return it. This kept up and kept up...everytime I said something he would tell me they couldn't return it. I told him I understood that but I need a new phone. He again said they same thing as above. I told him I hate the sucker so bad that all I really felt like doing was throwing it at the wall (which was above his head). His response never changed. I finally grabbed the dang thing out of his hand and asked him if he was going to sell me a new phone. He still said the same thing. So I then asked him what it would cost me to break my contract with them. He ended up going to his manager and then I was asked in. She told me she didn't like the way I was talking in front of the other customers (really? duh). I explained why I was so angry because no matter what I said he said the same thing. I told her I couldn't understand how he could interpret "are you going to SELL me a new phone?" to me expecting them to let me return the blackberry. She apologized with well he's young and we really don't want to lose your business.
I bought a new phone that I'm very happy with. I still have the blackberry but I had them kill it! They told me I could probably sell it for $150 to some college student but for now that's not high on my priority list. THE BLACKBERRY'S DEAD and I'm doing fine!!! lol


  1. The3 blackberry is dead....long live the queen!

    It is amazing how bad customer service can be nowadays. It makes me very loyal to the businesses and employees who treat their customers well.

  2. I am sorry they didn't help you out:( There has been people in your same shoes come into our store, we've always helped them out as much as we can. It's sad that they would've rather gave you the run around, then just sold you a different phone.

  3. Sounds like your "Younge" came out!

  4. LOL, is that the Younge...... I have the same reaction to stupidity..... So now I will just have to say, "Sorry, my Younge came out!!!!"

    I'm glad you got a new phone..... You handled it about the same as I would of ..... Funny, how we are so much alike.
