Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This one cracked me up because you forgot a part that if you remembered you would have enjoyed telling. It's very true that I considered that cool spot under "my" lilac bush mine and only mine. And at times yes I wanted to be under there alone but you would whine and whine so I came up with a way for you to prove to me how badly you wanted in. I would tell you "I'll let you in if you will take a bite of mudpie". Now in my defense I never let you swallow any of it and my plan worked real well until one day the pie hadn't baked long enough and you had some mud around your mouth and mom saw it. But yes, sis, we had some great times under that lilac bush.


  1. We sure did have fun with our mudpies, Just trying to play sweetly with you and you make me eaat mud! What a sis

  2. Hee,Hee,Hee I figured out how to get your blog into my favorites list.
